How to parse XML response from REST API in Azure Data Factory
Parse XML response from REST API in Azure Data Factory Well Azure ecosystem is evolving day by day but there are still many features that are missing or in the pipeline of getting them in the latest release, One such feature is parsing of XML response from API in Azure Data Factory which is yet not available in ADF as of today. These days all latest REST API response type is JSON, but there are many legacy API which are still using XML as response type. As a Data/ETL Engineer you might have come across such scenarios in On Premises system where we could have used C#,SSIS, Informatica or similar ETL or programming methodologies to retrieve data a XML response type API and load them into target application/system. Now as we have moved PAAS & SAAS system where each service or application is hosted in cloud we would need to do similar activity of reading xml response from API and process it. Lately ADF accepts XML file as a source file type and using copy activity we can load the ...