
Showing posts from May, 2021

Power BI Usage Metrics with the help of Power Automate - PBI Analytics

Power BI Usage Metrics Analytics   Metrics play vital role in organization as it gives real-time and forecasted analysis for business players to take decision. These decision help the organization to grow and prosper in the market. Most of these metrics are build using BI tools available in market such as Power BI, Tableau, Spotfire ..etc. Today I am going to take Power BI as an example and discuss further on it. Typically any  organization   will have 100's of reports created for various analytical analysis which business is looking for and they will be adding 100 more as and when new request comes. And there will many analyst and business stakeholders how will be using them proactively and some rarely.  What about user analytics of these users and report analytics of all the reports that are being used? These analytics will help the IT team to priorities the current user base, priorities the reports eco system and also will give insigh...